It's funny how some people talk here.
They kind of sound like dad, but not quite exactly the same way... but people are so nice here! I've never seen so many people making funny faces!
The weather was lovely today, and mom and I did what we planned to do: a bit of shopping.
When uncle Chris and dad came back from the track, their faces were so red, I didn't know what to say... in fact I didn't say anything.
We then all went to old town Montreal, and had dinner (yes, me too!) at a place called "Papillon". They were showing France-Togo on TV and dad got all crazy... kind of scary.
Mom made a good choice by getting the duck, so did uncle Chris with his steak. I had my cereals which was fine, and last but not least, dad chose to eat a Wapiti... For those who do not know what a wapiti is, it is indeed a deer. And a pretty stinky one I must say.
Dinners in Montreal seem to last forever... we must have stayed 2 hours before heading back to the hotel.
This is when I got a chance to ride on the metro again... I wasn't that impressed, but then again, I'm not easily impressed ;)
Dad went berserk when he saw the recap of the game (France won 2-0) and I believe he was trying to teach me how to do some sort of victory dance.
Then bath and zzz...